Shared Governance



For nearly 60 years, Monroe County Community College has engaged in a unique governing system that provides members of the college community with a voice in the governing of the institution.

Governance consists of those institutional arrangements for addressing issues and making decisions that affect institutional mission, resource allocation and the role of internal constituencies.

Seven groups play important roles in the governance of the college community: faculty, students, support staff, maintenance, administration, professional staff and the Board of Trustees. Subject to whatever legal limitations may exist, members of the college community, through the councils, divisions/departments, committees, organizations, and other appropriate channels, have the privilege to discuss and recommend educational policies of the institution for review by the Board of Trustees and other appropriate government agencies and officers.

An essential element of the governance structure is the Council Model of Shared Governance. The purpose of MCCC’s Council Model is to organize the constituent groups to effectively promote open communication for deliberation of college matters and to convey recommendations to the college president.

The Council Model is implemented through:

  • Presidential town hall meetings
  • Three councils consisting of the Faculty Council, Staff Council and the Administrator Councill
  • College committees, including the Academic Review Committee, Curriculum Committee, Governance Evaluation Committee, Instructional Technology Committee, Learning Assessment Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and other channels of involvement, such as divisions and departments, other groups and Student Government.


2023-2024 Annual Committee Reports

2022-2023 Annual Committee Reports

2021-2022 Annual Committee Reports

2015-2021 Annual Committee Reports 


The Student Government is a voice for the student body and has input into the governance process by presenting concerns directly to the appropriate ad-hoc and standing committees, study groups, task forces and/or vice president. 

If you are interested in becoming a student government member, contact Tom Ryder, student activities coordinator, at (734) 384-4201 or